
Understanding Vitamin D Test: Importance, Process, and Key Insights

A vitamin D test measures the level of vitamin D in the blood. If a person has a vitamin D deficiency, it can lead to bone disorders and other medical conditions. If your doctor believes that you have a bone or health condition—which can be brought on by extremely low vitamin D levels—the test should be performed during your complete physical examination.  It is also important to consider the full body checkup price when planning regular health assessments. Vitamin D deficiency is a common global issue, and around 1 billion people worldwide have it.  The symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include fatigue, bone pain, muscle weakness, muscle aches, or mood changes. Let's delve into the necessity of a vitamin D test, the process of conducting it, and the implications of the result. Why Is Vitamin D Test Conducted?  A healthcare professional may order a vitamin D test if the person shows symptoms such as bone pain, muscle weakness or aches, soft or deformed bones, weak bones, ...

How Routine Check-Ups Are Essential for Your Well-Being

Routine check-ups are essential in maintaining the body’s wellness and health. A whole body check up typically involves a combination of physical diagnosis, blood tests, imaging studies (X-rays, ultrasounds, and MRIs), health screenings, and laboratory tests like lipid profile, urine analysis, kidney function test (KFT), and more.  These assessments give a holistic outline of an individual’s health condition and help determine possible issues requiring early intervention or treatment.  Physical Diagnosis A physical test often involves a compressive inspection of the body to judge overall health. It includes checking vital signs like heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature. Following this, the healthcare provider may examine different body parts, evaluating abnormalities or sensitivity.  Breathing and reflex tests are also conducted to inspect lung function and the nervous system. Plus, the provider palpates eyes, skin, throat, ears, and abdomen to check for any signs...

Why Should You Get a Full-Body Check-Up?

Health should be the top priority of any individual. If an individual is physically fit, they can live a long and happy life, free from serious health concerns. Doctors and medical practitioners suggest a complete check-up at least once or twice a year. It helps the person stay on top of their health.  These days, many medical laboratories conduct whole-body check-ups at affordable prices . One can opt for a complete check-up package from a renowned and reliable laboratory for all medical screenings. Here are the top reasons why getting a full-body check-up is essential for people of all age groups: -  To Monitor Boy Health Regular health check-ups help medical professionals monitor a person's overall health. They provide visibility into the functioning of vital body parts, such as kidneys, liver, heart, bones, and more. In case they find any deficiency in minerals, essential vitamins, and other crucial elements, they suggest the right treatment course.  To Detect Disease...

Difference Between Quadruple and Dual Marker Test

Double marker and quadruple marker tests are recommended for women during pregnancy. These tests are conducted in the first and second trimesters of the pregnancy to check for any genetic disorder or risk for certain birth defects in the unborn child.  In the first trimester, a double marker test, also known as maternal serum testing, analyses blood for specific chromosomal abnormalities.  During the second trimester, a quadruple or quad screening test is used to assess the levels of four substances in a pregnant woman's blood. Women over the age of 35 and having a history of birth defects should consider getting dual and quadruple marker test at an affordable price .  These tests, though they screen for any abnormalities in the growing foetus, are slightly different. Timing of Tests Dual Marker Test: There is a relatively slim window for conducting the dual marker test. Usually, it is conducted near the end of the first trimester, between weeks 11 and 14. The dual marke...

Everything You Need to Know About Triple Marker Test

While pregnancy is a time for joy and excitement, there are many responsibilities associated with the phase to ensure the good health of the mother and the unborn baby. A triple marker test is an important test recommended by doctors to detect any chromosomal abnormalities in the foetus.  Also known as the Triple Screen Test, the test helps detect issues early on in pregnancy, allowing for in-time treatment. The test is done between 15 to 18 weeks of pregnancy. Often, doctors order this test to check whether there is any genetic disorder in the foetus.  Triple Marker Test is also called as multiple marker screening, multiple marker test, triple test, and AFP plus. The test helps to check for three key substances, including hCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin), AFP (Alpha-fetoprotein), and estriol levels in pregnant women to evaluate the risk of chromosomal deviations. Here is everything to know about a Triple Marker Test .  Why This Test is Done? It is used to detect some s...

Understanding STDs: Prevalence, Types, and Symptoms

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) affect millions of individuals every year, impacting their reproductive and sexual health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 30 pathogens may transmit sexually, causing multiple infections simultaneously.  However, the lack of symptoms and the stigma around STDs leads to unawareness about one’s sexual health. Booking an STD health check-up package once a year is recommended for every sexually active individual’s well-being. Prevalence of STDs STDs are caused by sexually transmitted infections (STIs). These infections spread through sexual contact and spread via bodily fluids. WHO estimated that around 374 million new STI infections were found in 2020, indicating the rising rates of STDs around the world. Common Types of STDs There are different types of STDs commonly found in men and women across the world: - Chlamydia: It spreads due to infection with Chlamydia trachomatis. It usually does not have any symptoms and ca...

Maternal Health First - A Brief on Serum HCG and ANA Tests

Discussions about women and their child health are beyond any doubt, one of the most crucial topics. Even today, many women experience a spectrum of reproductive health challenges, such as maternal mortality, abnormal pregnancy, premature deliveries and issues that considerably affect them and their fetus's health and well-being.  Therefore, screening tests for women’s health, particularly during early pregnancy, such as the hCG Beta Specific Serum test and ANA test are powerful tools to identify risks and diseases before they become malignant. What is the hCG Beta Serum Test? Serum beta HCG test measures the levels of hCG hormone in the body and helps in early detection of pregnancy, as well as in monitoring its progression. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone produced during gestation by the cells surrounding the growing embryo.  These cells later form the placenta, which produces and releases hCG into the blood and urine, which serves as the first indicator of ...