Everything You Need to Know About Triple Marker Test

While pregnancy is a time for joy and excitement, there are many responsibilities associated with the phase to ensure the good health of the mother and the unborn baby. A triple marker test is an important test recommended by doctors to detect any chromosomal abnormalities in the foetus. Also known as the Triple Screen Test, the test helps detect issues early on in pregnancy, allowing for in-time treatment. The test is done between 15 to 18 weeks of pregnancy. Often, doctors order this test to check whether there is any genetic disorder in the foetus. Triple Marker Test is also called as multiple marker screening, multiple marker test, triple test, and AFP plus. The test helps to check for three key substances, including hCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin), AFP (Alpha-fetoprotein), and estriol levels in pregnant women to evaluate the risk of chromosomal deviations. Here is everything to know about a Triple Marker Test . Why This Test is Done? It is used to detect some s...