D-Dimer Test: Everything You Need to Know

What is the D-Dimer Test? The D-dimer test is a blood test suggested by the doctor to determine the amount of D-dimer protein in the body that is usually produced to break down blood clots. When D-dimer levels are very low in the body, they can go undetected and can only be identified if the human body forms and breaks down a significant amount of blood clots. D-dimer testing is part of diagnosing or monitoring blood clotting problems. The human body forms a blood clot when any blood vessel is damaged due to injury, restricted blood flow, or atherosclerosis. Why a Person Needs a D-Dimer Test? A D-dimer test is recommended for a person when the doctor wants to know if the patient has blood clotting problems. Some of the blood clotting problems that may exist in a person are: Deep vein thrombosis Pulmonary embolism Blood Coagulation Disseminated intravascular coagulation The D-dimer test is also recommended by the medical practitioner as part of ongoing treatment. How is D-Dimer Tes...