What are the advantages and disadvantages of liver function tests?

The liver is the largest single organ in the body. It performs four key functions: metabolism and synthesis, excretion, storage, and potential toxic detoxification. Because the liver does so many different things, one test is not enough to find out how well it is working. This article addresses the information these tests can provide on acute and chronic liver disease, as well as how disease impacts liver function. Introduction The liver, the body's biggest single distinct organ, has four primary activities and is involved in several metabolic and excretory processes. Liver disease has several repercussions as a result of its many activities, many of which can be diagnosed and monitored by blood tests called liver function tests (LFTs). The liver's main functions Synthesis Because the liver manufactures and exports a large number of proteins and lipids into the blood, low levels of particular proteins (such as albumin and clotting proteins) may suggest liver disease. Fatty aci...