What is a lipid profile test and how it is tested?

A lipid panel, also known as a lipid profile, is used to determine the lipid levels in an individual's blood. Lipids are fats that cannot be dissolved in the bloodstream. A lipid profile blood test measures the total cholesterol levels in an individual’s blood . About cholesterol Cholesterol is a smooth substance that, at normal levels, is essential for biological functions such as the formation of cell walls, helping the body to produce vitamin D, producing digesting bile juice in the small intestine, and helping the body to produce certain hormones. Cholesterol is carried in the bloodstream via lipoproteins, which are protein molecules. Cholesterol is divided into two types: · LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, BAD cholesterol · HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, GOOD cholesterol What is the purpose of a lipid profile test? If an individual's blood lipid levels are determined to be high, their chance of heart problems and stroke wil...